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Knowledge Base (26)

  1. Answer: Environment: Chat, Business Rules Oracle B2C Service Resolution: You can use rule states to requeue a Chat Request after a certain number of seconds. Let's suppose you would like a Chat assigned to...
  2. Answer: Environment: Knowledge Advanced Resolution: The visible configuration item, OKCS_PURGE_DAYS, controls the purging of OKCS (Knowledge Advanced) tables.  The table, "okcs_stg_question", is...
  3. Answer: Environment: February 2015 Console Resolution: If you recently upgraded to the February 2015 version, you will be able to view canned milestones "Resolution Due" for an incident after a new...
  4. Answer: Environment: Oracle B2C Service If you are currently experiencing a service disruption and need assistance, create a Service Request at Ask Technical Support .  Event Summary IT services and...
  5. Answer: Environment: Data Export, Data Dump Oracle B2C Service, All versions Resolution: There are two types of data export requests: 1 - Final Contract Cancellation 2 - Separately purchased data export...
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Documentation (228)

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    How to Seed Your Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Because Service can start with only 15– 20 answers, the need for a comprehensive initial Last Updated: 09/09/2022
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    Security Level (default) Yes Yes CP_LOGIN_COOKIE_EXP 5 to 30 31 to 60 (default = 60 ) -1 RightNow User Last Updated: 09/09/2022
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    Security Level (default) Yes Yes CP_LOGIN_COOKIE_EXP 5 to 30 31 to 60 (default = 60 ) -1 RightNow User Last Updated: 12/16/2024
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    Security Level (default) Yes Yes CP_LOGIN_COOKIE_EXP 5 to 30 31 to 60 (default = 60 ) -1 RightNow User Last Updated: 06/16/2022
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    Replace Grouping Operators with New Attributes is aged over 60 and the claimant is a woman After (grouping operators replaced with new Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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