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Knowledge Base (19)
- Answer: Environment: Oracle B2C Service scheduled reports; compressed CSV format Issue: Report results are limited to 10,000 rows despite the compressed CSV format which should return up to 100MB...
- Answer: Environment: CX, Configuration, Reports Resolution: A configuration setting called VRL_HARD specifies the limit of the number of rows that can be displayed in a report. If the number of rows returned...
- Answer: Environment : Oracle B2C Service 24A and newer Enhanced Business Rules, Custom Reports Resolution : Custom reports on rule runtime log can be created. For customizations, rule_runtime_log...
- Answer: Environment: ROQL, SOAP API Resolution: In order to query for custom fields through ROQL an ObjectTemplate must be supplied with the query. While the code that will produce a SOAP envelope containing...
- Answer: Environment: Data Import Wizard Resolution: Within the Oracle B2C Service application, you can use the Data Import Wizard to add a list of contacts to your Oracle B2C Service...
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Documentation (23)
Get the Record In the Record List At the Specified Index conditions are indexed. In the example above if the service interval is 10000km , you would get 5 Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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QueryCSV queryCSV = client.QueryCSV(clientInfoHeader, queryString, 10000 , ",", false, true, out byteArray Last Updated: 03/28/2023
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QueryObjects , objectTemplates, 10000 ); RNObject[] rnObjects = queryObjects[0].RNObjectsResult Last Updated: 03/28/2023
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Add Up Numerical Values Gathered From Each Instance of an Entity for Which a Particular Attribute Is True $18000 true $33000 James $15000 true Bob $ 10000 false For this rule to validate, the Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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Working With Report Filters filter, now run the report results = rnspc.RunAnalyticsReport(cih, ar, 10000 , 0, ",", false Last Updated: 03/28/2023
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