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Knowledge Base (3)

  1. Answer: Environment: Customer Portal version 3.2.6 (CP v3.2.x) and above Resolution: The Knowledge Foundation API returns all the results for a search term (Example AB-0000) because it...
  2. Answer: Environment:  Analytics, Enhanced console Oracle B2C Service Issue: When exporting a report from the console, in Excel some columns are hidden (width=0), while in PDF format they are missing...
  3. Answer: Environment: Countries / Provinces, States Resolution: The Countries / Provinces table includes two-letter abbreviation entries for the U.S. state and territories. By default, the common name and...
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Documentation (2)

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    Function Reference (Korean) Filter: All Files Submit Search Function Reference (Korean) 정책 모델 영역에 따라 목록 구분 기호 ','이(가) 변경될 수 있습니다 Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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    Function Reference (German) mit Werten zurück, die ab einem Stardatumsattribut wirksam sind. ZeitlichVonEnddatum ( < Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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