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Knowledge Base (58)

  1. Answer: Environment : Oracle B2C Service, Password configuration Issue: When setting the password for an account within Account Editor, I pasted in a password longer than 20 characters and confirmed I can...
  2. Answer: Environment: Intelligent Advisor, All Versions Resolution: Intelligent Advisor sites are updated automatically once each quarter. Test sites can be updated in place using the Service Cloud...
  3. Answer: Environment: SSL, Custom Domain, Enablement Oracle B2C Service Resolution: If you want to change the domain name in the URL for your site to a custom domain, an SSL/TLS certificate is required, which...
  4. Answer: Environment: File Attachments, Mailboxes Oracle B2C Service Resolution: File Attachments for Ask a Question Submittals and Administrative Records A number of factors affect what size file attachments...
  5. Updated Answer: Environment: B2C Service Chat, Chat Maintenance Oracle B2C Service Resolution: The B2C Service Chat is a single-version service that is updated without user impact. Product Development will regularly...
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Documentation (-217)

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