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Knowledge Base (4)

  1. Answer: Environment: Data Import Wizard Oracle B2C Service, all versions Resolution: Depending of the type and the volume of what you are trying to import in your site using Data Import Wizard you...
  2. Answer: Environment :  Oracle B2C Service Console Issue: We sometimes receive the error " There is an unclosed literal string " or " Unable to communicate with server " and sometimes receive multiple...
  3. Answer: Environment: Outreach, Feedback Resolution: Michigan/Utah Child Protection Registry On July 1, 2005, in Utah and November 16th, 2005, in Michigan, new state laws took effect that prohibit sending...
  4. Answer: Environment : Agent Browser UI (BUI), B2C Service Chat API, Oracle B2C Service Issue : I am unable to manipulate the chat API to disable the transfer button. Resolution : The chat API is managed...
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Documentation (2)

  1. Link to a URL

    Perform mathematical calculations in rules monthly income: 5000 the household's monthly deductions: 750 the household's adjusted monthly Last Updated: 05/22/2024
  2. Link to a URL

    Customer Portal ('RightNow.Chat.Controller.ChatCommunicationsController.setEndUserActivityStatus("' + ActivityState.LISTENING + '")', 5000 ); }, /** * This defines the Last Updated: 10/23/2018
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