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Knowledge Base (186)

  1. Answer: Environment: Oracle B2C Service versions 19C and newer. * Resolution: By default the latest versions of Microsoft Edge will not install or update a ClickOnce application such as Oracle...
  2. Answer: Environment: This information is for the .NET client install. For support information when using the Agent Browser UI, please see  Answer 9527: Supported browsers for the Agent...
  3. Answer: Environment: System Requirements Oracle B2C Service, All support versions Resolution: Proper configuration and maintenance of your environment is crucial to your success.  Critical...
  4. Answer: Environment: This information is for the .NET client install. For support information when using the Agent Browser UI, please see  Answer 9527: Supported browsers for the Agent...
  5. Answer: Environment: This information is for the .NET client install. For support information when using the Agent Browser UI, please see  Answer 9527: Supported browsers for the Agent...
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Documentation (-217)

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