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Knowledge Base (184)

  1. Answer: When considering the use of sample code found here or elsewhere within Oracle B2C Service properties, be aware that such code is not and will not be supported by the Oracle B2C Service Technical...
  2. Answer: Oracle B2C Service documentation includes detailed help for product configuration and customization, installation and update procedures, release resources, and additional guides. Supported...
  3. Answer: Environment: Office 365 mailboxes Solution: When setting up mailboxes to use OAuth to connect to Office365 mailboxes you must first create an App Registration on Microsoft's Azure Active...
  4. Answer: Environment Deprecation Announcements and End of Life (EOL) scheduling for Oracle B2C Service features/modules Resolution: Important update , CCOM v1.2 and v1.3 are no longer deprecated...
  5. Answer: Environment: Oracle B2C Service, Email Management Resolution: Oracle B2C Service allows multiple Service and Outreach mailboxes to be set up on each interface. There are two types of mailboxes that...
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Documentation (-217)

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