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Requesting Assistance from Oracle B2C Service Technical Support
Answer ID 9704   |   Last Review Date 04/27/2023

What is the role of the Oracle B2C Service Technical Support Team?


Working with Oracle B2C Service Technical Support


Oracle B2C Service Technical Support troubleshoots all product areas of our solution to ensure the solution is functioning as designed and implemented. The Technical Support team should be engaged directly via Service Requests when a customer suspects a defect in the base product has been discovered or they are having environmental issues, such as slowed or uneven performance. The support team includes workstation and network environment specialists. Where applicable, our specialists will advise you regarding potential problem areas in your environment that may be contributing to your specific issue. Your IT department will be expected to perform all system administration activities on your network and workstations, such as capturing and providing requested logs, troubleshooting devices, and workstation and network configuration.

Please also be aware that the Oracle B2C Service Technical Support team's focus is on product defect remediation and resolution of issues through product-level fixes. We do not assist customers in understanding why any type of customization is not performing in the manner in which they intended it to perform. Customization support, setup, troubleshooting, and maintenance help from Oracle is available from either Oracle Consulting Services (OCS) team or the Oracle Partner Network (OPN). See Answer 10745: Oracle Consulting Services & Implementation Partners.


General Guidance Questions

Service Requests for general guidance or consultative questions (also known as "How to...?") questions are now being answered in the Oracle B2C Service Cloud Customer Connect community forums. General guidance questions are those seeking direction or support on product functionality, use cases, or how-to information, such as how to write custom reports, create or implement widgets or rules, or any number of other customizable options, such as changes on how a previously designed customization functions.  A General Guidance question would not include issues that require detailed troubleshooting, gathering log files, diagnostics or defect investigation.


What are the benefits of using Cloud Customer Connect for general guidance questions?

  • Speed to Answer- Users typically get a faster response to general guidance questions on CCC.
  • Access to more expertise- The forums allow users to receive answers not only from Oracle but also from customers and partners with experience.
  • Ease of use- Community searching is now conveniently available in our knowledgebase as well as our Service Request submission form. 
  • Crowdsource information- Participation builds more content in the CCC platform, increasing the value of this resource to all users.

The Cloud Customer Connect is a community which allows you to search or pose questions, support others by answering questions, submit new ideas, and mine the collective knowledge of your colleagues. It gives everyone a voice to become part of the Oracle conversation, part of the process, and part of the solution. 


What's changing for B2C Service customers?

We have enhanced search capabilities in our knowledgebase to make it easier for you to find existing questions and answers in the Cloud Customer Connect community. Searching our knowledgebase now returns relevant community threads as well as knowledgebase articles and documentation links. 

Additionally, you will be able to quickly and conveniently search the Cloud Customer Connect forums before submitting a Service Request. Our analysis shows that answers are available for over 78% of the general guidance questions that get submitted as SRs.  

Find solutions in the community before submitting a service request


An additional change is that general guidance questions which are submitted as Service Requests will be routed to the Cloud Customer Connect forums. The Support Engineer assigned to the Service Request will either direct you to an existing solution in the community or will add your question as a new post. A link to the new community thread will be provided through the Service Request, which will remain open until a solution is provided. Once your question is published, community members are invited to comment and pose solutions. Alongside our customers and partners, Oracle teams will also play an active role in ensuring questions are answered in a timely fashion. 


Additional Resources

When our customers need general guidance, the expectation is that they have the resources and technical aptitude to seek out a resolution to the problem via the CCC community or any of our variety of self-service options which include but are not limited to: