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Knowledge Advanced Task Closing
Answer ID 9694   |   Last Review Date 01/14/2019

How are the different types of tasks closed in Knowledge Advanced?


Oracle B2C Service, Product listing
Knowledge Advanced


The following describes how the different types of KA tasks are closed:

  • WorkFlow: Closed automatically when performed
  • Translation: Closed automatically when performed
  • Recommendation: Closed automatically when performed 
  • Content Review: Must be closed manually
  • Survey Answer: Must be closed manually
  • Content Expiration: Must be closed manually
  • Publish Notification: Must be closed manually

Click here to link to the product documentation on managing tasks. The instructions on how to manually close tasks are as follows:

  1. Select the Tasks tab. This will show a list of tasks assigned to the logged in user, plus other unassigned tasks that are available to the user.
  2. Select the check-box of the task you would like to close.
  3. Click "Close Task" in the bottom right. Note that there are two "Close Task" links. You should click the link corresponding to the task you chose.

For further information see Answer ID 8156: Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Knowledge Advanced.