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Submitting an enhancement request
Answer ID 966   |   Last Review Date 01/23/2024

How do I submit an enhancement request to be considered for future versions of Oracle B2C Service?


Enhancements Requests
Cloud Customer Connect - Share Your Ideas, Vote, and comment on your favorite Ideas / Enhancements


We will gladly consider your feedback for possible enhancements to the product in future releases. To submit enhancement requests, simply visit the Idea Lab.

The Idea Lab is a feedback forum where Oracle B2C Service customers, like you, can submit ideas and enhancement requests, collaborate, vote for your favorites, and see what is being implemented.

Participating in the Idea Lab is the easiest & most direct way to share your ideas & enhancement requests with us.  If you've already shared your idea with us through other channels, you're encouraged to post it on Idea Lab, so your idea can be vetted by the Community and reviewed by the Oracle B2C Service team.

How the Idea Lab works:

  1. Understand the Terms of Use. By contributing to this Idea Lab, you agree to the terms of use.
  2. Search existing ideas before posting. If your idea already exists, add your comments and vote.
  3. If your idea hasn't been posted yet, review the submission guidelines below and post your idea.
  4. Vote and comment on other ideas you are interested in. While we take into account the number of votes an idea receives, we also consider the amount and quality feedback.
  5. Make sure to subscribe, so you can receive email notifications of idea updates and status changes.
  6. Check idea statuses and comments to see what ideas are in action.

Idea Lab Submission Guidelines:

  • Search first. If your idea already exists, add your feedback to the original idea rather than diluting the potential impact across multiple submissions. Plus, this saves you time writing up your idea that has already been submitted or has an answer.
  • Draft your idea. Enhancement requests are great, but business problems and use cases are even better. Put your idea in the form of user stories, including your use case, persona(s) involved, and business value achieved. Think of following this format: "As a <user role>, I need <something>, so I can accomplish <benefit/goal>."
    • User role: What type of user would use this feature?
    • Something: What is the user trying to accomplish? What is needed to accomplish their goal?
    • Benefit/Goal: What value is provided?
Note, if you do not see the 'Submit an idea' button, log out of the Community pages and clear your Internet history and cache.  You should be able to click on the 'Submit an idea' button before ever performing a search.  Once you perform a search, you are no longer able to see or access the 'Submit an idea' button.

Also use a descriptive title and add the most appropriate tag(s). This helps other users find and contribute to your idea.

  • Promote your idea in the appropriate places. If this idea started in a discussion thread, add a link to your idea within the thread, so other people interested in this functionality can easily find and contribute to your idea.
  • Report duplicate ideas. If you find duplicate idea(s), please let us know. You can either send a private message to Community Manager Erica Leep (eleep) or add a comment to the duplicate idea, referencing the url for the original idea.