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Setting Mobile Phone field as default on Incident workspace
Answer ID 9584   |   Last Review Date 03/18/2019

How can I set the phone_numbers field to display the Mobile Phone as default when opening the incident workspace?


Incidents, Workspaces, Contact Details
Oracle B2C Service, All versions


The changes are not saved when trying to modify the phone_number field on an incident workspace.


The default phone number is Office Phone. When this field is used on the workspace, the default will be populated each time when a record is opened. This is a standard behavior. There is currently no configurable option to save preferences of this field for each record and this field can't be used in a workspace rule.

The phone_numbers field within the Incident workspace includes 5 phone numbers, as following:
-     Office Phone
-     Mobile Phone
-     Fax Phone
-     Assistant Phone
-     Home Phone

For example, if you open an incident, select the Mobile Phone and save, each time when you open the incident the Office Phone will be displayed as default because the field is workspace specific and not record specific.

If you would like to submit an enhancement suggestion regarding this functionality, please post your submission to the Idea Lab. For more information, refer to Answer ID 966: Submitting an Enhancement Request.