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Change the label of 'Office Phone' field in contact workspace
Answer ID 11923   |   Last Review Date 10/04/2022

How do you change the label of the 'Office Phone' field in the contact workspace?

Message Bases
Oracle B2C Service, All versions
You are able to edit the label of the 'Office Phone' field in the contact workspace by configuring the value of the WS_CONTACT_OFFICE_PHONE_HK message base.
Once you make the edit, you will need to rebuild your local cache by following the instructions in the answer link below or log out and back in to see the change reflected.
Additional Resources:
Please refer to the 'Search for a message base' section in online documentation for the version your site is currently running.  In order to access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.