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Chat was routed to an agent with a different product skill than what was submitted with the chat request
Answer ID 9523   |   Last Review Date 01/14/2019

Why was a chat routed to an agent who doesn't have a product skill matching the product submitted with this chat?


Chat, Advanced Routing, Smart Interaction Hub (SIH)


To determine whether or not there is a product skill associated to your chat ID, view the Accepted Interactions report (ID 17019). Search this report for the date of your chat and then view the chat ID in question.

The Product column shows the product that was selected when this chat was submitted. If the Skill Score is 0, that indicates that no product skill is associated with this chat ID. Where no product skill is associated with the chat ID, it is assigned to the next available agent in that chat queue, regardless of product skill.


If there were no logged in agents with a product skill matching the chat's product at the point this chat was submitted, for this chat queue, the chat's product skill is removed to allow the next available agent to accept this chat. This is verified using the report, as explained above.