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Sending a response via Browser User Interface (BUI)
Answer ID 9480   |   Last Review Date 03/09/2021

How do I send a response via Browser User Interface (BUI)?


Browser User Interface (BUI)


In order to send a response via Browser User Interface, the "Send" or "Send & Close" button must be clicked after the response has been edited. If none of those buttons are visible, you can see them by pressing those three dots from the first line of the workspace to view the Actions Menu. 


Actions Menu


 If they are still not visible ensure your profile permissions have "Send Response" checked on the Service tab.

To make the Send button visible all the time you can Customize the Workspace Toolbar. Note that this will make the send button also available in the .NET client.  Alternately, you can make a separate incident workspace for Browser UI and assign it to the Incident Browser workspace selection in the profiles of your agents.

  • First create a copy of the workspace of your choice and name it browser for reference.
  • Open the new workspace and edit the ribbon to include only the Send and Send and Close buttons. Save the workspace.
  • Edit the desired account profile and add the new workspace as the Incident Browser workspace selection. 
  • Save and close the profile.


By pressing "Save" or "Save & Close", the response is committed to the thread but it is not sent. This is the intended behavior and it is explained also in the documentation link: Using Agent Browser User Interface.