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Intelligent Advisor - version 3 widget
Answer ID 9253   |   Last Review Date 06/25/2020

Which version of the Intelligent Advisor widget should be used? 


Intelligent Advisor, All versions


To integrate Intelligent Advisor interviews inside the Customer Portal, a sample Customer Portal widget is provided. The widget captures the currently logged-in Contact ID and passes it to the Intelligent Advisor interview so that the Intelligent Advisor interview can load and save Oracle B2C Service data related to the Contact. Additional data may also be seeded if an ID for a related object is passed in. For users who are not logged in, additional data cannot be seeded. For any user type, data may be saved when the interview is submitted.

Since Intelligent Advisor May 2016, the example widget allows checkpoints. That is, logged-in contacts and agents may save and resume their progress through any interviews that are configured to use checkpoints.

Different versions of the sample widget have been provided with different versions of Intelligent Advisor.  Please note the following:

  • Oracle B2C Service versions August 2016 and later that are using Customer Portal framework version 3, use Intelligent Advisor widget v3 1.3
  • Oracle B2C Service versions November 2012 to May 2016 that are using Customer Portal framework version 3, use Intelligent Advisor widget v3 1.1
  • For Oracle B2C Service versions August 2012 (14.1) and earlier (that is, using Customer Portal framework version 2), use the V2 sample widget.

The sample provides the following files:

  • opa_helper.php (V2, and V3 1.1 and older) - generates a token using a configured shared secret and appends to the start/resume session URL
  • opa_v3_helper.php (V3 1.2 and later) - generates a token using a hidden shared secret and appends to the start/resume session URL
  • opa_checkpoint_model.php (both versions) - retrieves information about stored Checkpoints to pass to the resume session URL of web-determinations
  • widget files:
    • base.css(v3) - controls the appearance of the widget (the file has no content, but is a required file). Can be included in the v2 widget if custom CSS wants to be supplied.
    • controller.php - determines what values to use to construct the interview URL and calls the helper and/or model files. For the v2 widget, also contains the information that is in the info.yml file.
    • info.yml(v3) - information about the widget such as version, required and optional parameters to use when embedding the widget
    • view.php - uses configured values and values generated by controller.php to render the interview

For installation and configuration instructions, refer to Deploy the Intelligent Advisor Widget and Activate the widget

For information on how to upgrade an installed widget, refer to Upgrade the Intelligent Advisor Widget.