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Survey submission fails in Internet Explorer
Answer ID 9099   |   Last Review Date 10/09/2018

Why are end users unable to submit surveys in Internet Explorer, but other browsers work as expected?


Feedback, Security, PC pod


You will see a failure in Internet Explorer when customers attempt to submit surveys if your site configuration does not enable HTTPS for your surveys.

Because the PC pod requires that customers use HTTPS, see PC Pod Frequently Asked Questions, your surveys URL's will be forced to use HTTPS. However, if you migrated to the PC pod, your site may not be properly configured to force the survey to use HTTPS after the submit button is clicked. You will see the following behavior:

In Chrome/Firefox: Customer will be directed to the survey link, given in HTTPS. When the end-user clicks submit, they will be directed to another HTTPS URL where the custom or default thank you page is located.

In Internet Explorer: Customer will be directed to the survey link, given in HTTPS. When the end-user clicks submit, they will be directed to an IE error page with a URL like

In order to resolve this behavior, it is necessary to enable the configuration setting SEC_END_USER_HTTPS. This will complete the configuration to force end-user pages to use HTTPS and will resolve the behavior in IE.


When a new site is created on the PC pod, the configuration setting SEC_END_USER_HTTPS is enabled by default. This behavior will occur when a customer has migrated pods and this setting was not previously enabled.

For more information relating to surveys and SSL, please see Answer ID 5578: Surveys and SSL.