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Results returned by the "Standard Text Utilized By Agents" report
Answer ID 9085   |   Last Review Date 12/19/2018

What results does the "Standard Text Utilized By Agents" report return?


Analytics, Standard Text
Oracle B2C Service, All versions


The "Standard Text Utilized By Agents" report (ac_id 13034) will only count standard text used directly in incidents.  It will not contain the standard text used in chats (or chat transcripts) by your chat agents.

The report definition illustrates the table associations, showing a join to the incidents table (via user_trans.data_tbl = 1, incidents table is ID 1):

Table Joins includes Incidents table

The user_trans table in the data dictionary for the TBL column association also provides the table ID definition (i.e. we see that tbl=1 would is the incidents table).  Per the join condition in the above picture, this joins to incidents.  A join for table ID 223 would be the one used for the chats table.

Join user_trans to chats table, table ID 223

If you would like to have the standard texts used in chats returned in a report, you can create a similar custom report in accordance with your business needs or copy the existing standard report and modify filters accordingly. See Answer ID 2509: Creating a basic custom report for more information on creating a custom report.

If you require additional assistance with creating custom reports, our Oracle Consulting team will be happy to assist.  For more details on how to reach out to Oracle consulting please review Answer ID 1731: Oracle Consulting options.

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