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Statistical Qualifications for Answer and Search
Answer ID 8961   |   Last Review Date 12/19/2018

What qualifies as a statistic for answers and search keywords?


Answers, Keywords, Search, Clickstreams


Statistics such as answer views, search keywords, etc are calculated by a utility that parses the data out of the clickstreams table. Below is a list of qualifications for various types of statistics.

Click the plus sign next to the appropriate heading below to expand that section for viewing.

Answer View: 

Table populated: ans_stats


  1. The cs_action equals to "AnswerView"  (Can be found by creating a custom report and reviewing the action id for 'AnswerView')
  2. Table column clickstreams.context1 equals the answer viewed and can't be blank.
  3. Table column clickstreams.context2 has to not be blank or empty.

Keyword Searches: 

Table populated: keyword_searches


Populated when the standard search reports are used or when the KFAPI is used.

keyword_searches columns:
stem: The stems of the words used in the searching.
word_cnt: The number of words used in the search, not including the stop words
source_page: The end-user page the search was executed on.
srch: The text string that the end-user entered when searching.
search_date: The date and hour that the search was executed.
result_list: The list of answer IDs which matched the search.
interface_id: The ID number of the interface that the search was executed in.
search_count: The number of searches on the text string.
results: The total number of answers returned by the search.