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Reports not working on any Community Self Service table
Answer ID 8435   |   Last Review Date 03/11/2019

Why don't any reports related to Community Self Service return any data?


Oracle B2C Service, August 2015 and later with Customer Portal 3.3.1 or higher


Reports on any Community Self Service table, even default reports, can be prevented from returning data in the console. This denial will happen irrespective of the logged-in profile's analytics access. This is because in addition to the existing analytics permission setup, the agent console must also check against the Access Control permissions introduced in August 2015.


Within the console, Community Self Service reports may not return any data when the "Everyone" role has had the "Default Community Viewer" permission removed. This permission is included in that role by default. You might have intentionally done this to limit access to your Community Self Service content on Customer Portal to only certain users.

To fix the reporting issue without adding unwanted exposure on your end-user pages, simply add the "Default Community Viewer" permission to the "Default Account" role, checking the "Unconstrained" filter checkbox. Deploy the change and reports will work as normal for agents using profiles with appropriate analytics access.

For further details on configuring Access Control, see "Defining Access Control for Your Community" in the User Guide for your version of Oracle B2C Service at Answer 5168: Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.


The underlying permissions issue will also cause ROQL queries to any social table to fail.