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Remove secondary contact from response emails
Answer ID 8355   |   Last Review Date 01/14/2019

How do I remove secondary contacts as recipients when I respond to an incident?


Oracle B2C Service, All versions


Incident responses will always be sent to any contacts associated with an incident.  If the secondary contact is removed from the incident, then it will no longer be included as a recipient to responses.  Then, when the contact needs to be included as a recipient, their email address can be included manually in the CC Address field. 

A custom email address field, and/or business rules, may provide further options. See the following answer for more information: Answer ID 17: Sending incident responses to more than one email address.

To summarize, all contacts associated with an incident will receive responses.  To stop a secondary contact from receiving responses, you can remove them from the incident.  To do so, follow these steps:

1.  Open the incident

2.  Navigate to the Contacts Tab of the Incident workspace

3.  Select the contact you wish to remove. 

4.  Click the Remove button within the contacts tab.  Click the Delete button only if you wish to permanently delete the contact and all of its incidents.