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Widget Error: standard/surveys/Polling - A flow was not found for the survey_id given
Answer ID 8044   |   Last Review Date 12/18/2018

Why do we received Widget Error on Customer Portal in Development Mode after creating a Polling Survey?


February 2014 and newer releases


Widget Error: standard/surveys/Polling - A flow was not found for the survey_id given. Please make sure that the survey_id given is for a valid polling survey.


Every polling widget must be associated with a polling survey that was designed on the CX Console. If the survey ID is missing from the Polling widget code, you will see an error on the page where you are trying to place the widget. If it is missing from the PollingSyndication widget, you will not be able to generate code to paste on an external page.

When creating a polling survey check the below steps:

1. The survey id is added correctly in the widget path <rn:widget path="surveys/Polling" survey_id="5" />

2. With the page for the PollingSyndication widget open, scroll to the Configure Widget section of the page, find the attribute called survey_id, and type the ID number of the survey you want to use in the text field.

3. Because polling surveys are posted to a customer portal page or an external web page, you do not need to define an audience or invitation message, or send or launch the polling survey.

4. Keep in mind, if more than one question is used in a polling survey, one question is randomly selected to display to customers for a one-hour time period. Every customer who is offered the poll during that hour sees the same question. At the end of an hour, a new question is selected at random.

5. Since polling surveys are not accessible through a link, you can’t send a proof of your polling survey to anyone. So previewing and spell checking your polling survey are important steps in your process.

6. Double check on which interface you want the polling survey to be displayed.

If you login in Customer Portal in Development Area and a widget error with the below message is displayed you will need to check that the polling survey was created in that specific interface.

"Widget Error: standard/surveys/Polling - A flow was not found for the survey_id given. Please make sure that the survey_id given is for a valid polling survey."


Polling surveys display as a question on a customer portal page or any page that is external to the customer portal, such as a “Poll of the Day.” Polling surveys offer a unique way to engage your customers by asking them a single question, and then using their responses to gauge your business activities. The interface from the CX application in which the poll survey was created must be the same with the one you see in Customer Portal in Development Area. Otherwise the widget error message will request you to provide a valid polling survey_id.

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