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Setting custom default reports for each staff member
Answer ID 795   |   Last Review Date 01/04/2024

How do I set up default reports so that each staff member will view the unresolved incidents assigned to them?


Analytics, Navigation Sets
Oracle B2C Service


How to set a default report depends on whether the staff member can customize the navigation set that is set for them in their staff profile. Staff can customize the default reports if the Customize Navigation Set box is enabled on the Common tab in their staff profile.

For more information on modifying navigation sets, refer to Answer ID 2508: Allowing staff to customize their navigation sets.

Regardless of whether the staff can customize their navigation set, each staff member can set their navigation pane options to open the default report for the current page when they first log in. To have the default report open at startup, Click File > Options > Navigation Pane. In the "Behavior" section enable the Default Navigation Item for Current Page.

If staff can customize their navigation set:  If staff members can customize the navigation set as specified in their profile, they can set the default report to use for each of their navigation buttons. 

When configuring the navigation set, an administrator can set a default report by right clicking on the report and selecting Set as Default.  This sets the initial default report for the staff member. However, once logged in the staff member can select a different default report to use by right clicking on the report from the navigation pane and selecting Set as Default.  This works in both BUI and .NET consoles and each would have its own default report.

Note:  In addition to changing the default report, the staff member can also customize the list of reports that display. Staff can click on the Customize List... link and add or delete reports from their navigation list.  

Staff cannot customize their navigation set: If the staff member's profile does not have the Customize Navigation Set box enabled, then an administrator sets the default report when they configure the navigation set used in the staff profile for the .NET console.  

To configure the default report in the navigation set, open the navigation set for editing from the Navigation Explorer. Click the appropriate navigation button. Then right click on the report and select Set as Default.  This only configures for the .NET console.  In the BUI console agents are able to set a default report despite not having customize navigation set enabled in their profile.