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Configuring google mailboxes with and without 2 step verification
Answer ID 7775   |   Last Review Date 10/07/2022

Does techmail work with gmail hosted mailboxes with 2-Step Verification enabled?


Oracle B2C Service, Techmail


Google has implemented 2-Step verification for mailboxes. By default, if techmail is configured to use the account password it will be unable to access these mailboxes and will return authentication errors when accessing these mailboxes.

In order to allow techmail to run on gmail mailboxes you can follow the steps below:

Enable 2-step verification and generate a specific application password for Techmail:

1. Go to the google account settings (

2. Under the 'Security' section, make sure 2-Step verification is On
Make sure 2-Step verification is On

3. Under the 'Signing in' section, click App passwords

4. On the next 'App passwords screen', select Other (custom name) from the first dropdown, type in a name for the application such as 'Techmail' and press 'Generate'
Select Other (custom name) from the first dropdown, type in a name for the application such as 'Techmail' and press 'Generate'

5. The next screen, 'Generated app passwords', will contain a password under the 'Your app password for your device' heading.
The Generated app passwords', will contain a password under the 'Your app password for your device' heading.
6. Copy this password and use it in the console for the mailbox using the account you have been configuring. This password will replace the account password and will allow techmail to have full access to the mailbox.

See 'Sign in using App Passwords' for more information.