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"Questions Avoided" report or other report using session_summary shows data older than 1 day
Answer ID 7757   |   Last Review Date 09/11/2019

Why do we see data that uses session_summary table in reports older than 1 day?


All Oracle B2C Service versions


If you see that the report "Questions Avoided" or any other report using the session_summary database table is showing data that is older than 1 day you might follow the below steps:

1. Please check the Run Time of the agedatabase utility using Site Tools > Utility Stats after logging into the below link: > Site Tools > Utility Stats > agedatabase > Run Time

2. If you see that the utility runs before midnight compared to your timezone, please create a service request with Oracle B2C Service Technical Support


Oracle B2C Service Technical Support can change the run time of the agedatabase utility in order to run later in the evening and prevent data from being displayed in reports for more than 1 day.