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Backing up a file when using the File Manager
Answer ID 711   |   Last Review Date 11/23/2023

How do I back up a file that is accessible through the File Manager? I would like to edit some files, but need to create backups first.


File Manager


When working with the File Manager, we strongly recommend that you keep backup copies of the files you customize. In the event that you need to revert to an old version of a file, you will be able to easily restore to a working file. Also, during an update process, any customized files in the enduser directory will be reset to the default configuration if that file has new content for the updated version. Files in the enduser/cci sub-directory are not over-written during the update process. Permanent, read-only backup copies of the original, installed files are created during installation.

When creating a backup, you can copy a file in the File Manager and specify the name and directory of the backup file or you may download the file to your local machine and maintain your backup files locally. The steps below provide instructions for both methods.

Note: Within the File Manager, file names cannot include spaces or other special characters such as # or @.


The File Manager includes a backup feature that creates a backup file in the backup directory whenever a file is modified. However, the backup directory only retains one version back as the backup. That is, when you save a file, the previously saved file becomes the backup. If you make several changes to a file, only the most recently edited version is available as the backup file. For this reason, we recommend that you save any customized, implemented files using one of the methods below.

The File Manager also maintains permanent, read-only copies of the originally installed default files in the default directory. These backup and default files provide you with additional assurance as you customize files that you can easily revert to the last working file or to the original default file. In this way, you can make modifications with limited risk of functionality loss or undue down time to your live production site. The files in both the backup and default directories cannot be edited or overwritten. You can only view and download the files in the default and backup directories.

Caution! We strongly recommend that you keep backup copies of the files you customize on disk, local machine, or network. During an update to a site, the files in the backup directory are over-written with the working files from the previous version.

For more information on using the File Manager refer to Administrator manual for 8.0 and later releases.

To make a backup copy of a file using the download feature:
  1. Click the download icon next to the file ( Download).
  2. Click Save This File to Disk and click OK which opens the Save As window.
  3. Navigate to the directory where you want to save the file.
  4. Type the name of the file using a naming convention for backups. For example, if the file name is assigned.phph, you may want to create a file named assignedphph.back or assignedphph.old. Be consistent with your company’s naming conventions.
  5. Click Save to download the file to your local machine. This file will be the backup copy of the current, working file.
  6. You may edit the actual file as necessary by using the edit feature or by downloading the file to your local machine.
To make a backup copy of a file using the copy feature:
  1. Click the Copy icon next to the file ( Move or Copy). This opens a page that contains the copy, move, and rename features. Copy is the default function.
  2. Type the name of the file using a naming convention for backups in the To text box. For example, if the filename is assigned.phph, you may want to create a file named assignedphph.back or assignedphph.old. Be consistent with your company’s naming conventions.

    Note: To create the backup copy in the same directory as the existing file, do not alter the path before the filename.
  3. Click Save to create a copy of the file. This file will be the backup copy of the current, working file.
  4. With the backup created, you may edit the actual file as necessary by using the edit feature or by downloading the file to your local machine.