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Use phone and address masks with Data Import Wizard
Answer ID 6892   |   Last Review Date 11/18/2018

Can I use phone and address masks with Data Import Wizard?


Oracle B2C Service November 2010 and newer versions


Phone and address masks can be used with Data Import Wizard.

Each country can have its own mask for phone and postal codes. In order to use phone and address masks with Data Import Wizard, please make sure country information is included in each record. If there is no country information, masks will not be applied to the imported records.

To check the country definition on a site, go to 'Configuration > Internationalization > Countries'. Mouse over a country to check its ID. Import data should provide country information in the form of country ID, and should be mapped to the country_id field of a contact or an organization.

For additional information, refer to the 'Overview of Data Import' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

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