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Using themes on Chat Pages
Answer ID 6878   |   Last Review Date 11/18/2018

Can I use a theme on chat pages?


Customer Portal


To make use of themes on the chat pages chat_launch and chat_landing, use a template file - found in the views/templates folder.


Below is an example of rn:theme path tag that is needed in the template file to point to a theme.

<rn:theme path="/euf/assets/themes/<theme folder>" css="site.css" />

For additional information, refer to the 'RN theme tag' section in online documentation.

The header of the chat pages needs to be modified to make use of the template file mentioned above. For our example, we will assume that the customer is using the standard template.


<rn:theme path="/euf/assets/themes/standard" css="site.css" />

<rn:meta title="#rn:msg:LIVE_CHAT_LBL#" template="standard.php" clickstream="chat_request"/>

All customer portal changes need to be staged and deployed before the changes are visible in the production interface.

For additional information, refer to the 'Defining themes' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.