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Information needed for troubleshooting SOAP and REST timeouts
Answer ID 6775   |   Last Review Date 12/19/2018

I am having sporadic issues with SOAP and REST based webservice calls to the Oracle B2C Service timing out, what could be wrong?


May 2010 and newer releases
Oracle B2C Service


The user is seeing messages saying that the SOAP envelope or the REST assertion is not sending a response in the allotted amount of time

In order to effectively identify if the behavior is caused by network, environment, or customization issues the following information is needed when calling Oracle for customer service.

1. When submitting logs showing the error, please have your logs report GMT time, it will make the comparison to our system logs easier.

2. When the error is occurring, attempt to run a Fiddler capture of the error.

FiddlerCap can be downloaded at
Instructions to run FiddlerCap:

1. Install FiddlerCap
2. Start 'FiddlerCap'
3. Select 'Decrypt HTTPS traffic...' and install certificate if prompted (**Important - if this step is skipped the results will not be useful**)
4. Click 'Start Capture'
5. Start RightNow and work normally until an error occurs
6. In FiddlerCap, click the 'Snapshot' button to embed a screenshot of the error into the results
7. Acknowledge or dismiss the error message to complete the capture of the issue in Fiddler
8. Once you have captured the error in FiddlerCap select 'Stop Capture'
9. Save the FiddlerCap, select 'Save Capture' and save the file in the default format .saz and attach this to your response to this incident

3. Run a Fiddler Traceroute, see instructions found in  Running a Traceroute

4. Obtain screenshots of any errors that either the agent or the customer/end user is seeing.

5. Provide the SOAP Envelope, see instructions found in Retrieving a complete SOAP envelope.

6. Provide the REST Assertion (use instructions above in Step 2)

7. When the SOAP or REST message is tied to a webpage, please provide the URL (internet location like http:// or https://) and any credentials needed to access the URL and transmit it to our servers.