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Contact 'Move' Permissions
Answer ID 6626   |   Last Review Date 11/18/2018

My agents have the ability edit Organizations, but why can't they edit or add a new Organization from a Contact workspace?


Profile permissions, All versions


If you find that your agents are not able to modify the Organization to which a contact is related even though their profile has permission to view and modify Organizations, review the profile permissions to ensure that the profile also has the "Move" permission checked under the Contacts tab.

When you modify the Organization to which a Contact is associated you are essentially moving that Contact from one organization to another. For this reason your agent profile will need to have the 'Move' permission, which allows staff members to move Contacts to different Organizations, enabled.

To view a profile's contact permissions and ensure that staff members using that profile have the appropriate permissions follow the below steps:

1. Click the Configuration button on the navigation pane.
2. Double-click Profiles under Staff Management and then double-click the profile you want to edit. The Profiles editor opens.
3. Click the Permissions button on the ribbon.
4. Click the Contacts tab.

For further information, refer to the 'Contact permissions' section (path: Core Features > Staff Management > Customizing profiles > Select Contacts permissions) in online documentation for the version your site is currently on.  To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.