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Custom Objects won't deploy (Validation Error)
Answer ID 6576   |   Last Review Date 11/18/2018

Why am I receiving a 'custom object validation' error?


All versions, Custom Objects


I am trying to add a custom object and I keep getting this error:

An error has occurred. Custom Object validation error (-288): Class id 2 is in too many aggregation relationships


Custom objects with aggregation relationships have limits that do not apply to association relationships. Aggregate relationships have the following limits:

  • A maximum of five aggregation relationships can be created for each object.
  • A maximum of four objects can be joined using consecutive aggregation relationships where each object is a parent of another, with object A being the parent of object B, which is the parent of object C, and so on. This limit does not apply to read-only relationships that are automatically created when certain standard menus are used to populate menu fields in the custom object
  • Self-referencing relationships cannot be configured for Aggregation relationships

If you encounter this message you will want to make sure your aggregation relationships are abiding by these limits. For more information regarding aggregation relationships and their function please refer to the 'Relationship restrictions' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.