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Appending information during Ask A Question submit
Answer ID 6090   |   Last Review Date 07/08/2019

What options are there to append information during the Ask a Question process from the end-user pages?


Ask a Question (AAQ), SmartAssistant (SA), Appending SA via Business Rules
Oracle B2C Service


There are two options for appending content / suggesting solutions using business rules.

1. Append SmartAssistant suggestions using system-defined format

Rule action is:
Append SmartAssistant Response to Response field

2. Create a standard response and append the standard response (customized text - may or may not include the $solutions variable)

Rule actions are:
Append Response Template to Response Field
Append Response Template to Notes Field (only applies if source is Ask a Question)
Append Response to uncommitted response buffer - content is editable and not saved in an auto-reply thread type.

Incident Sources: The incident source determines whether the content is presented during the AAQ submittal or if the content is appended to the incident thread when viewed from the console.

  • SmartAssistant on Ask a Question: The incident source "SmartAssistant on Ask a Question" ONLY deals with displaying content to the user during the submittal process. With this source in the rule, nothing gets appended to the actual incident when viewed from the admin console. With a standard response, the content in the HTML field is always used in the pop-up.
  • Ask a Question:The incident source "Ask a Question" ONLY deals with content appended to the actual thread of the incident. This source has NO impact on displaying content to the user during the submittal process. With a standard response, the content that is appended depends on whether visual email is used or not. If visual email is used, the content of the HTML field is appended. If visual email is not used, the content of the TEXT field is appended.

As a result, if you only want to display something during the submittal process, the incident source for the rule should only have SmartAssistant on Ask a Question selected and should not have Ask a Question enabled as a source.



Case 1: Displays SmartAssistant (SA) solutions to popup dialog but does not append to response field of incident.

Use single incident source (SA on AAQ).



Incident source = SmartAssistant on Ask a Question (only one option checked)


Append SmartAssistant to Response Field



Case 2: Displays SA solutions as links to popup dialog and append SA suggestions as auto-reply thread. Auto-reply is sent with receipt message since it is committed to the thread. Source is both SA on AAQ and AAQ.



Incident source = SmartAssistant on Ask a Question AND Ask a Question (both options checked)


Append SmartAssistant to Response Field



Case 3: Displays SA solution links to popup dialog and appends SA suggestions to response field of incident in an auto-reply thread. Source is both SA on AAQ and AAQ. Includes uncommitted response buffer action. Content is appended to Response field but since it is not committed; it is not sent with receipt message AND the content can be edited or deleted when the incident is opened from the admin console.



Incident source = SmartAssistant on Ask a Question AND Ask a Question (both options checked)


Append SmartAssistant to Response Field
Append response to uncommitted response buffer




Case 1: Displays standard response to popup dialog but does not append to response field of incident. Use single incident source (SA on AAQ).



Incident source = SmartAssistant on Ask a Question (only one option checked)


Append Response Template to Response Field

(rule may or may not have Append response to uncommitted response buffer - has no effect)



Case 2: Displays response to popup dialog AND appends text content to an auto-response thread in the incident. Auto-response cannot be edited or deleted. Auto-response gets sent as part of receipt message.



Incident source = SmartAssistant on Ask a Question AND Ask a Question (both options checked)


Append Response Template to Response Field




Case 3: Displays response to popup dialog AND appends text content to response field of incident. Response content can be edited or deleted. Uncommitted content is not sent in receipt message.



Incident source = SmartAssistant on Ask a Question AND Ask a Question (both options checked)


Append Response Template to Response Field

Append response to uncommitted response buffer

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