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Scenarios for appending SmartAssistant results
Answer ID 6081   |   Last Review Date 11/22/2019

What different ways can SmartAssistant responses appear?


SmartAssistant Suggested Solutions
Oracle B2C Service, All supported versions


You can create a standard text response with suggested solutions to be displayed to the end-user when submitting the incident from the Ask a Question page, to be displayed within the incident response, or to be displayed on the end-user pages and within the incident response. To create one of these scenarios, use the steps below:

Create a Standard Text Response

Use the steps below:

  1. From the Configuration items, select Service > Standard Text. 

  2. On the ribbon, click the New button to add a new Standard Text. 

  3. In the right frame, add a Name and check the Rule Text box. 
  4. Click the HTML button and enter the content that you would like to display to the user when they submit their Ask a Question request.

    Click the $ icon on the right to append the 'SmartAssistant Solutions' to the content. The placement of this variable in your text determines where the SmartAssistant suggested solutions will appear. In the HTML Value field, be sure to use HTML tags, such as <BR>, to properly format the response as it is displayed to the customer
  5. Click Save.
Note in order for smartassistant usage to be processed for kf_smart_assistant_stats you must use 'Append SmartAssistant Response to Response Field' in your rule!

Configure the Smart Assistant Rule
* Notice the difference in the IF statements for each scenario and the incident source selections.

SCENARIO 1: Smart Assistant will pop on the end-user pages, no thread will be appended to the incident response.

  1. If you have a current rule that appends the SmartAssistant Solution, open that rule for editing. Otherwise, create a new rule for this action and place the rule in the appropriate location within your rule set. The rule should be configured as follows:

    IF Incident source equal to 'Smart Assistant on Ask a Question'.

    You can add additional IF criteria as necessary. 

  2. In the THEN part of the rule, include the action Append Response Template to Response Field. 
    Note:  If you do not wish to create a standard text message, you can also use the action 'Append SmartAssistant Response to Response Field'.  The result in this scenario will be the same.

  3. When the action is added to the rule, double-click the name of your new response to select it. 

  4. Click Save. 

  5. Click Activate to compile and activate the changes to your ruleset. 

  6. Submit a test incident from the Ask a Question page to verify the configuration of your response and workflow rule.

With this approach, when an end-user submits a question, they will be presented with the response (or suggested solutions) that you configured in the HTML Value field, including the SmartAssistant links that you appended with the system variable. If the end-user continues submitting the question, the incident is created without a response inserted into the incident thread.

Note: This rule will NOT appear in the rule log because nothing is being added to the incident.

SCENARIO 2: Smart Assistant will pop on the end-user pages, a thread will be appended to the incident response with smart assistant links.

  1. If you have a current rule that appends the SmartAssistant Solution, open that rule for editing. Otherwise, create a new rule for this action and place the rule in the appropriate location within your rule set. The rule should be configured as follows:

    IF Incident source equal to 'Ask a Question' AND 'Smart Assistant on Ask a Question'.

    You can add additional IF criteria as necessary. 

  2. In the THEN part of the rule, include the action Append Response Template to Response Field.
    Note:  If you do not wish to create a standard text message, you can also use the action 'Append SmartAssistant Response to Response Field'.  The result in this scenario will be the same. 

  3. When the action is added to the rule, double-click the name of your new response to select it. 

  4. Click Save. 

  5. Click Activate to compile and activate the changes to your ruleset. 

  6. Submit a test incident from the Ask a Question page to verify the configuration of your response and workflow rule.

With this approach, when an end-user submits a question, they will be presented with the response (or suggested solutions) that you configured in the HTML Value field, including the SmartAssistant links that you appended with the system variable. If the end-user continues submitting the question, the incident is created with the same response (or suggested solutions) inserted into the incident thread.

Note: This rule will appear in the rule log from the thread being appended to the incident.

SCENARIO 3: Smart Assistant will NOT pop on the end-user pages, a thread will be appended to the incident response with smart assistant links.

  1. If you have a current rule that appends the SmartAssistant Solution, open that rule for editing. Otherwise, create a new rule for this action and place the rule in the appropriate location within your rule set. The rule should be configured as follows:

    IF Incident source equal to 'Ask a Question'.

    You can add additional IF criteria as necessary. 

  2. In the THEN part of the rule, include the action Append Response Template to Response Field.
    Note:  If you do not wish to create a standard text message, you can also use the action 'Append SmartAssistant Response to Response Field'.  The result in this scenario will be the same. 

  3. When the action is added to the rule, double-click the name of your new response to select it. 

  4. Click Save. 

  5. Click Activate to compile and activate the changes to your ruleset. 

  6. Submit a test incident from the Ask a Question page to verify the configuration of your response and workflow rule.

With this approach, when an end-user submits a question, they will not be presented with the SmartAssistant solution. However, the incident is created with the smart assistant response inserted into the incident thread.

Note: This rule will appear in the rule log from the thread being appended to the incident.


With a standard text response, if visual email is enabled, the HTML field content is used. If visual email is not enabled, the HTML field content will appear in the pop-up on the end-user pages, but the Text field content will be pasted within the incident response.