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Guided Assistance - Import guides from one site and export to another site
Answer ID 6072   |   Last Review Date 11/14/2018

How do you import Guides from one interface/site, and export them to another interface/site?


November 2011 and later releases / Guided Assistance


Once a guide has been created, you are able to export the guide to an XML file and import it into other RightNow interfaces or sites to create a new guide. This allows you to create a single guide for use in several interfaces.

You can also extract a subset of the guide’s questions and responses to either create a new guide or save to a guide definition file that you can then import into another site. This function also includes an option to replace the extracted branch with an embedded reference to the new guide, which can be useful for simplifying the configuration of a complex guide.

In order to export an entire guide:

1.  On the Guided Assistance explorer, right-click the guide you want to export and select Open. The guide opens on the content pane.  

2.  Click the CX button and select Export Definition from the menu. The Save As window opens.  

3.  Select the directory where you want to save the guide definition file and type the file name.  

4.  Click the Save button to save the guide definition file.  

In order to export part of a guide:

1.  On the Guided Assistance explorer, right-click the guide you want to extract from and select Open. The guide opens on the content pane.

2.  Right-click the question at the top of the section you want to extract and select Extract as Guide. The Extract Guide window opens. By default, the selected part of the guide will be saved in the Guided Assistance explorer as a new guide
      a.  Type a name for the new guide.

      b.  To replace the selected part of the open guide with an embedded reference to the new guide, select the Replace check box.

3.  To export the selected section as a guide definition file, select the Export to File radio button.

      a.  Click the Browse button and select the location where you want to save the file.

      b.  Type a name for the new guide.

      c.  Click the Save button.

4.  Click the Extract button. All responses, answers, and text explanations that are part of the extracted question’s branch will be included in the extracted guide.

In order to import a guide definition file:

1.  From an open guide on the designer, click the CX button and select Import Definition from the menu. A message appears indicating that the import process will overwrite the current open guide.

2.  Click the Yes button to allow the import to overwrite the current open guide.

   Guide definition files include a hash value that is used when the file is imported to determine if the file has been modified externally. If the file has been modified, it will not be available for importing, and an error message notifies you that the file is invalid.

3.  Select the guide definition file containing the guide you want to import and click the Open button. The imported guide displays on the content pane.

4.  If the guide was exported from a different Oracle B2C Service site, verify that the answers associated with question responses are correct and choose different answers if necessary.

5.  Click the Save and Close button on the Quick Access toolbar to save the guide. The Save As window opens if you have not yet named the guide.

      a.  Type a name for the guide.

      b.  Click the OK button to save the guide.  

NOTE: When a guide is exported as an XML file, the file includes a hash value that will be used when the file is imported to determine if the file has been modified externally. If the file has been modified, it will not be available for importing, and an error message notifies you that the file is invalid.

For more information, refer to the 'Exporting and importing guides' section in online documentation for the version your site is currently running.  To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.