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When using the Custom Deployment options, files are being written to the agents Windows profile
Answer ID 5694   |   Last Review Date 10/31/2018

We defined the Custom Deployment Location (CDL) and the User Files Location (UFL), why are some files still in the appdata folder?


November 2010 and later releases


We are using the Custom Deployment Options. Why are files still being written to the agents AppData folder?


While the Custom Deployment Options can be set at the profile level or site level, until an agent enters their credentials during login the normal ClickOnce deployment process runs. That process will place some core application files in the agents local AppData folder. It is not possible to change this default location.

Once the agent logins in the bulk of the application files are redirected to the Custom Deployment Location (CDL) and Users File Location (UFL).

For information on the ClickOnce process, please see ClickOnce Deployment Overview.

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