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Mobile answer feedback options
Answer ID 5449   |   Last Review Date 03/18/2019

Is it possible to change the feedback options on mobile to rankings?


Mobile, Answer feedback, widgets


For CPv3.2 or earlier, within the standard product functionality, the only ranking option available for Mobile answer feedback is the Yes/No option.

If the user rates Yes, the positive rating for the answer is submitted immediately and the user does not have the opportunity to submit feedback or create an incident. If the user rates No, the negative rating is submitted immediately; the user is then given the opportunity to submit feedback. If the user chooses to submit feedback, a form displays, giving the opportunity to submit feedback regarding the answer. That feedback creates an incident. If the user is logged in, the widget will automatically fill in the user's email and contact name.

Default code:  <rn:widget path="feedback/MobileAnswerFeedback" />

For CPv3.3 or above, the MobileAnswerFeedback widget no longer claims support. The reference mobile page set instead uses the standard AnswerFeedback widget.

The end-user can choose a rating for the answer. If the user's rating is above the 'dialog_threshold' attribute value the rating for the answer is submitted immediately and the user does not have the opportunity to submit feedback or create an incident. If the user's rating is at or below the 'dialog_threshold' attribute value the answer rating is submitted immediately and then a form displays to allow users the opportunity to submit feedback regarding the answer. That feedback creates an incident. If the user is logged in the widget will automatically fill in the user's email address.

Default code: <rn:widget path="feedback/AnswerFeedback" />

For additional information, refer to the 'Overview: Mobile customer portal' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.