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Escalation rule not firing
Answer ID 5377   |   Last Review Date 12/18/2018

Why is my escalation rule not firing?


Configuration, Incident rules
Oracle B2C Service, Business Rules


I have set up an escalation rule which checks an incident's status, and after a certain amount of time elapses, is supposed to change the Escalation Level so that the incident can move to the next rule which closes the incident.  However, when I check the rule log, it appears that rules have stopped processing for the incident and I have to manually close the incident. 


In any rule or function that looks at the incident's status, it is important to remember that rules will stop being processed on an incident if its status is set to a "Solved" state. 

To check this, go to  Configuration > Application appearance > Customizable Menus > Incident Statuses.  Find the incident status you are checking for, and be certain that the type is either "Unresolved" or "Waiting".  If it is a "Solved" type, then the incident is considered closed by the system and rules will not continue processing.

For more information, refer to the following published answers:
Answer ID 1231: Testing escalation rules
Answer ID 5844: Incidents are not escalating as expected
Answer ID 1873: Using the Rule Log to troubleshoot rules