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Fill Inbox button grayed out
Answer ID 5195   |   Last Review Date 07/30/2019

Why is the Fill Inbox button grayed out?


Analytics, My Inbox
Oracle B2C Service


The Fill Inbox button can be grayed out if an incident report is set to use the replication server and replication falls behind. This is as designed to prevent making changes on stale data.

To fix this, you will need to:

1. Open the report for editing
2. From the Home tab, click Options > More Options
3. Under Data Source, select Operational Database
4. Uncheck "Allow server to change the data source as necessary" and "Set report to deferred execution"
5. Click OK
6. Save the report

It is important to verify that incident reports in which you need timely, accurate data and that use the Fill Inbox functionality, are set to run on the Operational database. Make sure that the "Allow server to change the data source as necessary" and "Set report to deferred execution" options are unchecked.

For more information about the settings within the report options, refer to Answer ID 2817: Reporting data seems incorrect or behind.