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Pages display a "this page has insecure content" warning
Answer ID 4862   |   Last Review Date 12/18/2018

Why do some pages display a message "this page has insecure content" warning when loading a web page?


End-user pages


When the message below is displayed, it means that a web page is trying to display elements using both secure (HTTPS/SSL) and non-secure (HTTP) web server connections.

Security Warning
Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?
This webpage contains content that will not be delivered using a secure HTTPS connection, which could comprimise the security of the entire webpage.  

Security Warning

This means that the page that is attempting to display information from a non-secure server is located on a secured server.

This message generally is displayed when a page loads such as:

https://anypage (on a secured server) is loading additional content such as http://anypicture which is on a non-secured server.

The discrepancy is that the additional content "anypicture" is coming from "http:" server loading onto a page that is secure (located on a "https:" server).

You can choose to do the following to get rid of the message:

1) Move the additional content (in the example "anypicture") to a secure server so you don't get the message and the link in the page would be "https://anypicture"


2) Depending on your business needs you can change the original "anypage" to be a "http:" link instead of "https:" link.

The end-user customer has two options available -

By choosing to display all data you will ignore the message that any non-secure data will then be displayed on the secure web page.

By choosing to display only secure data, you will not display the additional data and the page may not format correctly because the insecure data will not be displayed.

Additional Note:

The risk of displaying mixed content is that a non-secure web page or script might be able to access information from the secure content.

Internet Explorer uses an encrypted protocol called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to access secure web pages. These pages use the prefix HTTPS, while regular web pages use HTTP.