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Limit to the number of mailboxes that Oracle B2C Service can support
Answer ID 459   |   Last Review Date 12/18/2018

Is there a limit to the number of mailboxes that Oracle B2C Service can support?


Mailboxes configured in Oracle B2C Service


There is no hard-coded upper limit on the number of mailboxes that Oracle B2C Service can support -- that is, the number of mailboxes that can be defined in the Mailboxes table.

For mailboxes not hosted with Oracle B2C Service: There are practical limitations as to the number of mailboxes that can be supported. Since techmail runs at given intervals, by default once every 15 minutes, your mail server must be able to process all of the mail between consecutive techmail runs. That is, if techmail runs every 15 minutes, your mail server must process the email in all mailboxes within the 15 minute interval. It is not recommended to run techmail processes on top of each other.

The amount of mail that a server can process within a given time interval depends on the type of server, i.e., processing speed, and the size of the email messages that need to be processed. When adding new mailboxes for use with Oracle B2C Service, take into account the amount of mail your mail server can process between techmail runs.

For mailboxes hosted with Oracle B2C Service: When techmail runs, a lock file is inserted when the utility process is initiated for a mailbox. This file is removed when the techmail process is finished for that mailbox. Before another techmail process can begin for that site, the lock file must be removed. Therefore, the limitations to the number of mailboxes does not apply for mailboxes hosted by Oracle B2C Service.