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Service Update Notifications
Answer ID 4339   |   Last Review Date 12/12/2018

What are Service Update Notifications?


Service Update Notifications (SUN)
Oracle B2C Service, All supported versions


The Service Update Notifications editor improves the usability of viewing compatibility exceptions and deprecated items with your instance of the product. Service Update Notifications are available to Oracle B2C Service Administrators. Please note that on sites which have not been updated to a newer version, you will not see any data in this report. 

From the navigation area, select Communication Center, then Service Update Notifications

To add the Service Update Notifications item to the navigation panel:

  1. In the Navigation set, select Customize list.   You must have permissions in your profile to do this (only administrators will have access to the Service Update Notifications item).
  2. Go to Components > Common > Service Update Notifications
  3. Highlight Service Update Notifications and click Add
  4. Click OK.

You can choose to view all service updates data or slice the data to view only the application areas you want to see.   To categorize service updates, a new Status column with inline and multi-line features has also been added.

Two standard reports, Compatibility Exceptions and Deprecated Items will be shown on the content pane.  The top portion of the content pane is scrollable, displaying data that you can slice and filter.  The bottom portion of the content pane is static and always visible.

When changes to this version of Oracle B2C Service cause changes to existing APIs, the Oracle B2C Service Console interface, functionality, or how features are configured, these changes are noted as compatibility exceptions. The Compatibility Exceptions report describes changes that may result in different behavior or functionality from previous versions. It also describes which users are affected by the changes, its business impact, and steps you can take to remedy the effects of the change.

When you click the Deprecated Items button on the ribbon, the Deprecated Items report displays. When a component or feature has been deprecated, it is usually replaced with newer functionality. Your existing functionality remains unchanged for two years, so you will not experience problems as a result of deprecation. However, you should migrate to the new functionality within that time frame.

For more information, refer to the 'Service update notifications' section in online documentation for the version your site is currently running.  To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

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