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Chat agent status set in profile
Answer ID 2799   |   Last Review Date 02/10/2020

Can administrators automatically set an agent's status when they log in to chat?


B2C Service Chat


Oracle B2C Service administrators have the ability to set chat agent statuses in individual profiles.  When agents log in to Chat, their Agent Status drop-down menu will display just the statuses selected for them by the administrator.

Administrators may also set a default agent status in an agent's profile; this may be particularly helpful when administrators need to log agents directly into Chat after logging into the Oracle B2C Service application. 

Steps to Set Chat Status Visibility and Default Status

  1. Open the Profile editor and select the profile to be modified
    Configuration > Staff Management > Profiles

  2. Select Permissions, then Service tab
    The administrator may select specific chat statuses which are visible to the agents associated to the profile by ensuring the desired chat statuses are moved to the box titled "Assigned".

    For Example: Highlight a status from the "Available" list and select the arrow to move the status to the "Assigned" list on the right. To remove statuses, do the reverse. Note: Default statuses such as 'Available - Unrestricted', 'Unavailable - Unqualified' and 'Logged Out - Unspecified' cannot be removed from the Assigned list.

  3. The selected radio button next to the chat status will determine the default chat status for the profile.  Therefore, if the profile has a default chat status of "Available - Unrestricted", any agent using the profile will automatically be set to an available status and start receiving chats upon logging into the chat service.  The default is also noted below the "Assigned" listing.

Under Chat Agent Statuses, highlight a status from the Available list and click the arrow to move it to the agent's list.  Then, select the radio button next to one to designate the default status.

Answer ID 2156: Chat agent statuses in Chat provides more information on default chat statuses and adding custom statuses.

For additional information, refer to the 'Add or Edit a Chat Agent Status' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products