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Ignoring invalid survey responses
Answer ID 2795   |   Last Review Date 03/18/2019

Is there a way to keep invalid survey responses from showing up in the survey results report?


Feedback, Analytics, Surveys


You can exclude survey responses that you deem invalid.  This feature allows an entire user's response to a survey to be excluded from the results set. The responses will not be deleted, but it will keep them from showing up in the survey results report.

This feature can be turned on or off via a Feedback profile setting. Select the "Response Exclusion" permission on the Feedback tab to allow staff members with this profile to exclude specific survey responses from reports.

For information on Feedback profile permissions, refer to Feedback Permissions in online documentation.

  1. Go to Configuration, click on Profiles, choose the profile you want to change the setting for.
  2. Click the Permissions button on the ribbon and then choose the Feedback tab.
  3. In the Survey section, select the check box for Response Exclusion. 
  4. Click Save.

When viewing survey results within a report, simply right-click on the users response and choose "Response Exclusion Flow".  A text box will appear giving the choice to either Include Response or Exclude Response.  The entire survey result is for that user is excluded, even though in reports you will be choosing the exclusion from an individual question/answer.

The exclude field is a runtime filter on applicable survey reports so that even excluded results can be shown if desired. 

Please note, this feature does not work when cross tabbing is used in the report, or if the report displays data from multiple responses in a single row.

For more information, please see the 'Excluding survey responses' section in online documentation (path: Feedback > Surveys > Creating broadcast surveys > Viewing survey results > Excluding survey responses) for the version your site is currently running.  To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

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