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Requesting data export from our site
Answer ID 2562   |   Last Review Date 03/04/2022

Can we get a data dump of all our Oracle Service Cloud data?


Data Export, Data Dump
Oracle B2C Service, All versions


There are two types of data export requests:
1 - Final Contract Cancellation
2 - Separately purchased data export

1)  Final Contract Cancellation
Please contact your Sales Account Manager to initiate your contract cancellation for Oracle B2C Service.  Once the contract gets terminated officially, Oracle will contact primary supports of your organization via a support request for final data export process and site disablement. Upon official cancellation, you can receive a one-time data export free of charge. If you wish to have the data parsed in any way, this will require an Oracle Consulting engagement. In this case, please contact your Sales Account Manager.

2) Separately purchased database export
This will require an Oracle Consulting engagement. The export is provided in MySQL format only.  Additionally, if you want a data export in another format, you will need to work with our Oracle Consulting Services team in order to export data via the APIs.  Please indicate if you are requesting "Database only" or a "Full" export, which also includes file attachments.

For information on engaging with the Oracle Consulting team, see Answer ID 1731: Oracle Consulting options

For information on what a Data Export file looks like, please refer to Answer ID 2825: How to decrypt a data dump.

Depending on the type and amount of data, data export requests may take up to 1 month to complete. An estimated timeline and a guarantee to complete an export request within a requested time frame is not possible as it is highly dependent on the type and amount of data that is being requested.

Note: Should the data export be place on a webdav server it will reside there for a maximum of 60 days before it is removed.

Please note that the Oracle B2C Service Technical Support Team does not process data export requests. Data export requests are processed by the Oracle Consulting Services team. Please contact your sales account manager to engage this team to process your data export request. 

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