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Configuring transactional surveys
Answer ID 2506   |   Last Review Date 11/26/2019

How do I create a transactional survey?


Transactional surveys


Transactional surveys are sent via email to a contact or contacts based on an event (transaction) that occurs with records in your application. The email that is sent includes a link to a survey on a web page. 

Transactional surveys can be sent as part of a campaign or can be sent as an action included in a contact, incident, or opportunity rule. When included in the THEN section of a rule, when a record is updated and matches the IF criteria of the rule, the survey is sent to the contact associated to that incident or opportunity. You can also include the action to send a survey as part of the ELSE clause of a rule.

The most common application for transactional surveys is to send a survey to a contact after a service incident closes (also called a closed-incident survey).  This allows you to obtain customer satisfaction ratings associated with the customer service experience provided to your end-users.

For comprehensive information on survey settings and features, refer to the 'Outreach and Feedback' chapter in online documentation for your specific release. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

Creating a New Transactional Survey

In order to create transactional surveys, the navigation set specified in your staff profile must have the Surveys button included. This allows you to access the Surveys and Questions explorers. In addition, your staff profile must have features enabled on the Feedback tab to allow you to perform create surveys and add or create questions.

If your profile allows you to create questions and survey, use the steps below to create a transactional survey:

  1. Click New > Survey from the RightNow Console toolbar.  You can also click the Surveys navigation button on the left and click the Survey Explorer. Then select New from the Surveys Explorer.  

  2. Select Transactional Survey.  

  3. On the Summary tab, assign the survey to the appropriate staff member. 

    You can allow customers to anonymously take the survey, by checking the Allow Anonymous box. However with a Closed Incident Survey, this is not recommended as you may want to be able to contact customers who are not satisfied.  

  4. Click the Questionnaire tab to design your survey.

    Note: To create a template for your survey, select New > Content Library > Template. After saving the template, you can use it for your survey by clicking Pick a Template from the Tasks box. 

  5. Add questions to your survey. Click Add a Question to select from already-saved questions or to create a new question for your survey.

  6. The audience for the survey is defined to include all contacts who trigger the survey to be sent. You can, however, exclude contacts from receiving the survey.

    On the Audience tab, evaluate the Options listed. By default, the survey is configured to honor the global opt-in list and to honor the external suppression list so that surveys are sent only to contacts who have not opted out from receiving surveys. 

  7. If you have a custom opt-in field that users can select to opt out of specific types of surveys, define a segment based on the custom opt-in field that allows them to opt out of closed-incident surveys. Then, add that segment to the Excluded section of the Audiences tab. This allows you to exclude contacts who have opted out of receiving this specific type of survey by clicking an option associated to a custom opt-in field.
  8. From the Invitation Message tab, create the email that will be sent to customers.  When creating the message, the application defaults to include a link to the survey. To modify the text and format of the link, double click and enter your changes in the pop-up window.

    Be sure that the invitation email includes a link to your survey.  In addition, be sure that the survey includes appropriate opt-out links.

  9. Save the survey. In the pop-up window, select the location and name your survey.

  10. Proof the survey by sending it to a list of reviewers. From the Proofing tab, click Send Proof Message to define the proof recipients and specific message to them. This will allow members of your organization to review the Survey layout and either approve or suggest improvements.  No statistics will be collected from your reviewers which might otherwise skew reporting once you have launched the survey. Please note that survey results for Surveys/Mailings filled out in proof mode will be available for 7 days, after which will be purged from the question_sessions table by the agedatabase utility. The 7 days setting is not configurable.  Proofing is intended to quickly show a proof of your survey to approving members of your team.

    Note: If you did not save the survey already, you must save the survey before the proof can be sent.
  11. When you are satisfied with the survey and proof results, launch your survey.  From the Delivery tab, click the Launch button and confirm the launch.

Note: To maintain the integrity of the survey and its results, it is recommended that you not make any changes to it, once your survey has been launched.

Important Next Steps!  At this point, you have created the survey to be used, but it does not yet have a means to actually be sent. You must either include the survey as part of a campaign or you must configure a rule that defines the criteria as to when it will be sent.

To have the survey sent based on a rule, you must create and activate appropriate contact, opportunity, or incident rules to trigger the survey. The survey must be in a launched state in order for the rule to send it. 

For more information on using rules with your survey, refer to  Answer ID 2495: Creating Rules for Transactional Surveys

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