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Showing the number of records on tabs in a workspace
Answer ID 2458   |   Last Review Date 04/05/2020

Is there a way to show the number of records associated with a tab in a workspace?


Workspaces, Report Properties
Oracle B2C Service, .NET console, All versions


When configuring tabsets, you can modify the Show Row Count property in the workspace so that the number of records associated with the tab displays on the tab next to the tab name. By including the row count, staff can easily determine how active a record is with regard to the tab item. You will have to click the tab and see the list of records to see the number of records associated with that tab if the Delay Report Execution option is selected. This is product default behavior

For example, if you include the row count on the Incidents and Opportunities tabs in a contact workspace, when you open a contact record, you can easily see how many incidents and opportunities exist.

Note: The Show Row Count feature does not work with nested tabs, only the immediate "tab parent".

The relationship items below have the Show Row Count property:

  • Quotes
  • Opportunities
  • Quote Products
  • Outreach Activity
  • Survey History 
  • Incident View
  • Time Billed
  • Tasks
  • Contacts
  • Embedded reports

To show the row count on tabs: 

  1. From the Configuration Items, select Application Appearance > Workspaces / Workflows.

  2. In the right frame, open the workspace you want to edit.

  3. In the workspace, click on the tab you want the record count to show.

  4. Click on the relationship item or report in the pane below the tab.

  5. On the ribbon, click the Design tab. Enable the Show Row Count property (located in the Options section).

  6. Save the workspace.

For more information on editing workspace properties, refer to Answer ID 2518: Setting Properties in Workspaces.