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Notifying someone of a low score on a survey
Answer ID 2454   |   Last Review Date 09/19/2021

How can I notify someone if there is a low score on a survey?


Surveys, End of Survey Options
Outreach and Feedback

Note: The steps within this answer apply mainly to Basic Mode surveys. Notes on differences for Advanced Mode are also included.


When you create a survey, you can include an action to send a notification when the survey is completed and the score is below a specific value.

  1. Open the survey for editing and click the Questionnaire tab.
  2. In Basic mode: From the Tasks toolbox on the right, in the Survey Tasks section, click End of Survey Options. 

    Note: In Advanced mode, the option to send a Notification is listed in the Standard Elements section of the Toolbox.  Once added, double click on the element to add a message and recipient.
  3. In the pop-up window, click Add Action, which launches the Final Action Wizard.  Click Next to begin the wizard.
  4. For the Final Action Type, click Create a Notification and click Next.
  5. Add a Message such as Low Survey Score Notification and select which staff member(s) should be notified. Click Next.
  6. Click the radio button next to "When the completed Survey Score is".  Then configure the rest of the statement, such as setting the first menu to less than and then setting the numerical field to the threshold value.  

    For example, you can set the two fields to be "less than 5" or you can set them to be "greater than or equal to 20".  When setting the numerical value, consider the scoring of the questions in your survey.

    Note: In Advanced Mode, this is done by adding a Decision element just before the Notification element. After highlighting the decision element, select "Edit" from the "Element Tools" tab in  ribbon or double click the decision element to prompt the "Decision conditions"  pop-up window. Using the above example, add a Condition to look for a Score less than 5 (i.e. Score < 5).

  7. Click Finish to close the wizard.  At this point, you can click Add Action to include another action to be executed when the survey is completed.
  8. After defining the additional actions to be executed, specify the Final Page to display for the survey and click OK.
  9. Save your survey. 

When you have completely configured your survey, you can send proofs to specific individuals and then send your survey to your intended audience.

Not receiving notifications?
If you are not receiving notifications for the low score on the survey, verify that the Feedback notifications functionality is enabled.

1. Click Configuration button on the navigation pane.

2. Double-click Interfaces under Site Configuration. The interfaces tree displays on the content pane. NOTE: If Message Templates are enabled, message types can be enabled or disabled under Site Configuration > Message Templates.

3. Click the interface you want to configure notifications for. The Interfaces editor opens.

4. Click the Administrator Notifications button on the ribbon.

5. Click Feedback and make sure that 'Send' and 'HTML' are enabled (by default, all notifications are enabled).

6. Click Save

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For additional information, refer to the 'Creating questionnaires in basic mode' and 'Creating questionnaires in advanced mode' sections in online documentation for the version your site is currently running.  To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

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