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Saving file attachments to disk
Answer ID 1945   |   Last Review Date 12/18/2018

How can I easily save file attachments from an incident so that I can update the file and reattach it to the incident?


File Attachments
Oracle B2C Service


Click on the file, and select Open or Download from the ribbon at the top.

To download a file attachment, right-click on the file attachment and select Download. The Internet Explorer download module is invoked, which allows you to either Open or Save the file. Click Save and specify where you would like the attachment saved.

Different file types may be handled differently, depending upon the Windows file types configuration settings or the source application’s own preferences as configured on your machine. If you wish to be given the option to download a particular file type every time, instead of having it automatically open in Internet Explorer, you will need to change the file type settings or the source application’s preferences accordingly. Below are some examples of how this is done, featuring the most common file types:

Microsoft Office -- .doc, .xls, .ppt: When you attempt to access a Microsoft Office file, such as a Microsoft Word or Excel document, the file may open in Internet Explorer, instead of the appropriate Office program. This occurs because Internet Explorer is configured by default to host documents for Office programs that are installed on the computer. To resolve this issue, follow the steps below. If you wish to be given the option to save the files to your desktop or to open MS Office files in the application, instead of automatically opening them in IE, use the My Computer > Folder Options settings:
  1. On your desktop, open My Computer.
  2. On the Tools menu (or the View menu), click Folder Options (or click Options).
  3. Click the File Types tab.
  4. In the Registered file types list, click the specific Office document type and then click Advanced (or click Edit).
  5. In the Edit File Type dialog box, click to clear the Browse in same window check box (or click to clear the Open Web documents in place check box).
  6. Click OK.
Note: If you are running on Windows NT 4.0 or 2000, you may not be able to use these steps to configure Internet Explorer to open Office files in the appropriate program. If you are running Windows, the only way to resolve this issue is to modify your registry settings, as described in Method 2 of the following article at the Microsoft support site:;en-us;162059&Product=ie600
PDF: The Acrobat Reader application controls whether a .PDF file will automatically open in the I.E. browser plug-in, or if you will instead be given the option to Save. To verify this setting, open Acrobat Reader and go to Edit > Preferences… > Options. If the “Display PDF in Browser” option is selected, an attempt to access an attached PDF file will automatically open in the Acrobat plug-in within the application. If it is deselected, an attempt to access an attached PDF file will prompt you to choose whether to Open or to Save the file. 
BMP: In a standard configuration, attempting to access a .BMP file should consistently present the Open or Save options. When you click Save, the file appears to open in MS Paint. 
ZIP: Accessing .ZIP files should always present the option to Save or Open. If it does not, open your ZIP extraction program and look for the appropriate web browser settings. 
EXE: Microsoft has stated that Internet Explorer will always give you the option to Save or Open when you attempt to access an .EXE file. The browser will never open an .EXE file automatically, for security reasons. 
TXT, JPG and GIF: Generally, Internet Explorer will open a .TXT, .JPG, or .GIF file within the browser without presenting the Save option. Once open, you can easily save the file opened in I.E. by simply going to File > Save As.   
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