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Adding countries and provinces to the Oracle B2C Service menu fields
Answer ID 1768   |   Last Review Date 07/08/2024

How do I add a country and provinces for use in our Oracle B2C Service application?


Countries / Provinces, May 2010 and newer


The Countries / Provinces table allows you to define countries for use with contact and organization records. The country that is selected when creating a contact or organization sets the format used with telephone numbers, postal codes, and provinces and territories for that country.

Phone masks and postal masks are optional when configuring a country. For more information on creating masks, refer to Answer ID 1847: Setting a specific format or mask for custom text fields.

By default, the US and its states and territories are included in the Countries / Provinces table. Other countries and associated provinces can be added manually.

Adding new organization and contacts: When adding a new organization in Oracle B2C Service, the Country field is blank. The user must first set the Country field before they can add a state or province, or postal code. By selecting the country first, the system then determines which states or provinces are appropriate along with any postal code masks.

When creating a new contact record, the Country field defaults to the Default Country value set in the staff member's account. For example, if the staff account has a default country set to Canada, when that staff member creates a new contact in any console, the default country will be set to Canada.

To add a new country to the Country field, use the steps below:

  1. Click the Configuration button on the Navigation pane.
  2. Double-Click Countries under Internationalization. The Countries tree displays on the content pane.
  3. To add a country, click the New button on the ribbon to display the editor. Or to edit a country, click it in the tree.
  4. To add a province, click the Add button (in the Provinces section on the right side of the editor) to add a field in the Name column, and type the province name in the field.
  5. To edit the name of a province associated with the country you are editing, select the province name and type the new name.
  6. Click the Save and Close button on the ribbon to save the country and provinces before closing the editor.

To delete a country: You may delete a country.  All states or provinces in that country will also be deleted.  Records that have been set to the deleted country will be set to No Value.

To delete a state or province: You can delete a province or state within the country. Records that had been set to that value become null for that field.

Custom reports: You can create a custom report or view that filters records on the country or province of interest and then edit the appropriate records. Once the value is no longer used in any record, you can go to the Countries / Provinces table. When you right click on the country, select the Delete option in the menu.

For additional information, refer to the 'Add or Edit a Country or Province' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.