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Disallow external requests to custom controllers
Answer ID 12892   |   Last Review Date 09/06/2024

How can we make a custom controller respond only to requests from certain IP addresses or from Customer Portal code?

  • Oracle B2C Service, all versions
  • Customer Portal 3.x
  • Custom controller
  • Custom widget
  • PHP and AJAX
We want to restrict Customer Portal (CP) URL /cc/myController/myMethod so that it can be accessed through specific IP address or specific domain.
There are a few options that may suit your use case.
  • Configuration setting CP_CONTACT_LOGIN_REQUIRED
    • Applies when the implementation for a given interface always requires users to log in
    • Setting this configuration setting to "Yes" would prevent someone who is not logged in from accessing the controller (or any other CP page or controller)
    • Some custom implementations may use alternative means to always redirect users to an external login page for SSO or PTA, so you might not have set this setting previously
    • Make sure to log in or out as needed for testing
  • Using security tokens
    • The CP framework offers the ability to create a token for authorization
    • The model is RightNow\Utils\Framework
    • You can generate the token in the backend, for example in a widget controller
      • There are several methods to choose from
      • Documentation: createTokenWithExpiration
        • This token expires in SUBMIT_TOKEN_EXP minutes
        • It is consumed upon use
        • PHP example
          use RightNow\Utils\Framework;
          // ...
          $tokenId = uniqid();
          $token = Framework::createTokenWithExpiration($tokenId, false, true);
          $this->data['js'] = array(
              'tokenId' => $tokenId,
              'token' => $token,
        • Now you can use it in the widget JavaScript when making the AJAX request to your controller.
        • You will need to get a new token after SUBMIT_TOKEN_EXP minutes or after the token is consumed, see for instance the standard input/FormSubmit widget code
      • Documentation: createToken
        • The token is reusable
        • The token does not expire
        • For the reasons above, createTokenWithExpiration is recommended
        • The PHP example is the same, except the call is
      • For your AJAX request, you could send the token and its ID as form data.
      • createPostToken / isValidPostToken may be another option
    • Now you validate the token in your controller
      • Documentation: isValidSecurityToken
      • Example:
        if (Framework::isValidSecurityToken($token, $tokenId, false) !== true) {
            // do whatever the controller method is supposed to do
        } else {
            // do something else, like die();
      • Note that the ID you generated earlier is now the second parameter.
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