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Contact Search Report Filters will Prefill Contact Fields
Answer ID 12861   |   Last Review Date 06/29/2024

Why do I see some contact fields pre-populated when adding a new contact from incident workspace?

Oracle B2C Service Agent Browser UI Workspaces
My incident workspace has a contact relationship control field to associate a contact to an incident and I'm using a custom contact quick search report that I set by editing the incident workspace used by my profile in BUI Agent Web.  The contact quick search report has fixed and/or run-time selectable filters with text for searching.  When I click the Filters (funnel) icon: 
 Filter Icon looks like a funnel in the contact relationship control field
then the Contact Search dialogue box opens.  If I click New Contact, then a contact workspace opens but several fields are pre-filled with text that was from the search report's filters. 
If you don't want fields pre-filled in the contact workspace, then use the Commands menu (3 vertical dots) and click Add New, which will open the contact workspace without any fields pre-populated with values from the contact quick search report filters:
The Add New option in the field's menu